Current Reads On FP: Carrot Soup and Courage

Finally Thursday and what does that mean? Well, apart from the fact that we are expected to eat pea soup, it’s time for this week’s sweep. This week we have introduced two new guest writers, eaten the world’s tastiest carrot soup and published a column about having the courage to stop. Here is this week’s most important reads on FP!
By the way, did you know that in Sweden it is traditional to eat pea soup on Thursdays? Well, this is because in the Middle Ages, when Sweden was Catholic, you were not allowed to eat meat on Fridays because you fasted then. So they made sure to eat themselves full on pea soup with meat or pork in it.
The courage to stop
What are we really in such a hurry for? What is it that makes so many of us choose to fill our lives to the brim and then chase after a point in time when it will all be crossed off the to-do list? Isn’t that a funny phenomenon? FP guest writer Helena Önneby writes about this here.

Carrot soup with peanut pesto
Carrot soup with peanut pesto, The Dietitian’s Choice has done it again! This is their favorite soup, of all time! An absolutely fantastically good carrot soup with peanut pesto, lime and coconut milk… And now that we have had time to try it, we can only agree. Can also take the opportunity to share the fact that the carrot is one of few vegetables that you could say is healthier to eat cooked than raw! You can find the recipe here.
It’s all about your hormones
Stop the press because we have released a new episode of our English podcast, The Food Pharmacy Show, that you just must not miss. In this section, we interview Dr. Carrie Jones, a doctor of functional medicine. We learn more about hormones and how they affect both our mental and physical health. There is an infinite amount knowledge to gain from keeping track of our hormones. Did you know, for example that we aren’t just talking about testosterone and estrogen, but more than 60 different hormones we have in our body! Listen to this exciting episode here.