Spring cleaning at all levels – Food Pharmacy

Helena Önneby

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Spring cleaning at all levels

Most people have a pretty good idea of ​​what’s really important in life. For many, it’s the relationships or perhaps a meaningful everyday life. For almost no one, it’s that gadget or item of clothing, to have full control of everything that happens in the world, that extra hundred bucks in salary or a life that looks perfect from the outside. Spring is an excellent opportunity for cleansing, so today I want to encourage just that. A spring cleaning at all levels to simplify life, to let go.

Over time, a complicated life becomes heavy to bear. Many things to take care of, repair and store do nothing for our quality of life if they’re not actually used, enjoyed or helpful in everyday life. How many things do you carry (physically and mentally) that you no longer need?

That top that you wish you enjoyed wearing but never use – maybe it’s time for someone else to enjoy it instead? Those things you save in the attic for “just in case” even if you know that “just in case” hasn’t happened in the last five years – maybe it’s time to let go?

Many acquaintances without real depth rarely give that feeling of belonging that we all long for. That old friend you meet because you “should” even though you know that you both feel completely exhausted after a few hours together. Maybe it’s time to let go?

How many news media, magazines, social media accounts and newsletters are allowing to land in your consciousness every day? Which ones actually give you meaning, information, inspiration or joy? Maybe it’s time to let go?

What old thought patterns do you carry that no longer serve you? That story you repeat in your head about that old injustice and how that person still doesn’t take responsibility for what they have done. Or maybe that dream of what could have been but never happened. Or the idea that you are not good enough as you are, right now, today. Maybe it’s time to let go?

That behavior pattern, how you always react in the same way with the same trigger and how the result is always what you don’t want. The children’s unwillingness to put the dish in the dishwasher, your reaction and the conflict that follows. Or the routine of always eating a little late so you get a stomach ache and difficulty sleeping. How you always start a little too late so you need to stress to be on time. Or maybe keep quiet when you actually have something important to say and then feel bitter that it didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Maybe it’s time to let go?

A constant performance at work to be liked, possibly get that managerial job or the pursuit of the feeling of control over the situation that never really occurs. Many hours of overtime and lost relationships or no time for yourself. For what? Where are you going? Maybe it’s time to let go?

What gets space in your life that you no longer need? What do you put your energy into that actually reason with what you think is important? Open the windows and doors, release stagnant energy and let in the new. Create space for new perspectives, acquaintances, ideas, dreams or maybe just space. What would be possible if you let go?

My invitation is actually not primarily to let go to invite new but to let go to rest in the space that arises. And from there ask the important question; What wants to happen now? What if your life wants something with you? What if there is a flow, downstream, for your life (as opposed to fighting upstream)? If you create space for more energy to flow in, then what wants to happen?



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