Do you also want more flow in your life?
I used to have a list in my phone called: “Things I love”. The list consisted of things that I had decided were pleasure-filled or that brought me joy. The idea was that when I nothing to do, I would go to the list and pick a thing to do to fill the time. Isn’t that a little crazy?
As if what I used to love or had an idea of being “wonderful” would fill me with energy and joy in the future. As if I would not be able to feel into that at the moment. And probably that was true. I was so disconnected from myself that the best thing I could do was to do something from the list in the hopes that it would make me happy or satisfied.
But the sad thing about picking up something today that you long ago decided you like is that you miss all the opportunities that lie before of you today. The brain is creative and has a fantastic imagination, but it will never be able to think of all the possible alternatives to what can happen next. When we let go of what “a fantastic summer”, “a day off” or “freedom” looks like, we open up to endless possibilities.
When we dare to stop and listen, we can receive guidance for something completely new. Or we just follow the flow and see where it takes us. The person who gets in touch with that fun idea, the weather that changed quickly, the creativity that started to flow or we just stop right where we are and take in everything that is around us right now. What was recharging for you three years ago does not necessarily have to fill the same function today. What you thought was fun when you were younger may not give the same feeling today.
Over the past year, I have deepened my own relationship with my intuition and today help other people with the same through so-called Inner Voice Sessions. It’s so cool to meet so many people’s intuition and get confirmation that we are all actually connected, that we are guided and that life can take us in unexpected and wonderful directions when we only allow it to. My mind is strong and often wants control, but every time I practice letting go and listening inwardly, I am always pleasantly surprised.
That is also my intention for this period in my life. Flow. Not to plan so much but let the day be as it wants. Let time expand or move as it pleases. Do you also want to try?
Here’s a simple practice to find out where your intuition wants to guide you right now:
• Sit down and take a few deep breaths
• Place left hand on your heart and right hand on your stomach
• Send your attention down into the body, to the place you have had contact with your intuition before
• Exhale and blow away all thoughts
• Ask the question: What would I love / need / want to do right now?
• Listen inwards and continue to exhale (feelings, colors, words, sensations, images or perhaps a strong desire to do something)
If nothing comes, just stay and breathe. Look at the sky, the trees and the birds and knowthat you are always guided. To do nothing for a moment is also living.
Det här är ett gästinlägg. Eventuella åsikter som uttrycks är skribentens egna.