Super healthy lingonberry smoothie – Food Pharmacy

Dietician's Choice, Recipes

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Super healthy lingonberry smoothie

Make a double or triple batch and give yourself the luxury of a jug of ready-made smoothie in the fridge for a couple of days!


Lingonberry smoothie

  • By : Dietician’s Choice c/o Food Pharmacy
  • Servings : 1 jug 1x


1 banana

125 g frozen lingonberries

1 dl boiled large white beans

1 tbsp grated coconut

1/4  teaspoon ground cardamom

1 dl yoghurt or herbal alternative

2 dl oat drink

And if you want, a little honey


Peel a banana and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Pour into glasses and top with a little extra coconut if you want!



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