Non-Tuna Mousse – Food Pharmacy

Ida Högberg, Recipes

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Non-Tuna Mousse

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I call this recipe “non-tuna mousse” since it reminds me a little bit about tuna mousse. The mousse is great to serve with a summer salad, as a filling in a wrap or why not as a dish on the buffet table? All you need is a food processor, and you’re ready to go!


Non-Tuna Mousse

  • By : Ida Högberg
  • Servings : 4 1x


0.5 liters of sunflower seeds (soaked for one hour)  

2 lemons – squeeze out the juice  

0.75 dl water  

0.75 dl tamari or other soy sauce  

1 tbsp agave syrup  

1 tsp cayenne pepper  

2 stalks of celery

1 medium-sized red onion  


Soak the sunflower seeds in a bowl for one hour or longer (works perfect to soak them over the night). Take away the water and rinse the sunflower seeds. Put the seeds in a food processor and add lemon juice, tamari, water, agave syrup and cayenne pepper. Mix until it becomes a thick and creamy mousse. Taste the mousse and add some more tamari, lemon and / or cayenne pepper if needed. If you want the mousse more creamy you can add a tablespoon of olive oil. Place the mixed mousse in a bowl.  

Dice celery and red onion in small fine cubes and stir it down in the mousse.

Serve with lemon and fresh dill on the top.  

This is a guest post. Any opinions expressed are the writer’s own.



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