The Answer is: Meditation

All successful artists create from a place of no mind, the subconscious. Whether they know it or not. The key to unlocking your powerful creativity is to lose your mind.
Now, how exactly do I lose my mind?
Our answer? Meditation!
If you are new to meditation, worry not. We’re here to lead the way.
“I think I’d like to go back home
And take it easy
There’s a woman that
I’d like to get to know
Living there”– Neil Young
First thing: close your eyes, shutting out the external world. This allows you to tap into your internal world. Now, it may take a while before the light shine through the shadow.
Share your awareness in the space below. What is your experience of your internal world? What meets you when you turn to external silence and listen to your internal chatter?
This is a guest post. The opinions expressed are the writer’s own.
Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash.