Sweet Tahini Balls for Your Friendly Bacteria – Food Pharmacy

Food Pharmacy, Recipes

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Sweet Tahini Balls for Your Friendly Bacteria

For many of us, Easter isn’t just a couple more eggs than usual, but a few too many sweets too. We know that we shouldn’t but, like a bunny can’t resist hopping, we find ourselves popping jellies beans like we’re the Easter bunny ourselves.

Put very simply, you can say that sugar influences the bad bacteria in your gut to make you want to inhale every sugar grain that comes your way. The more you consume, the louder the evil bacteria scream to your brain that they want more. In the end, they basically throw a tantrum that requires some serious character to be able to resist.

Sugar is not only highly addictive but also bad for your health in every possible way. Too much raises the blood sugar and forces the pancreas to pump out more insulin than necessary, and when the insulin level in the body is raised, the immune system starts to react, which wears out the intestinal flora and causes the body to become inflamed. A small chocolate egg or two, most bodies can take care of, but the problem is that it usually doesn’t stop with two little chocolate eggs.

But don’t be too hard on yourself now. Fortunately, it’s not just what you eat during the week of Easter that counts. What you put in yourself everyday, and all the times between this Easter and next is much more important if you want to take care of your gut flora.

Whether or not you have been gorging on chocolate rabbit heads yet, perhaps now is as good a time as any to give your body a much-needed sugar detox. Keep your little cotton tail away from the Easter basket remnants and snack instead on these sweet and crazy good tahini balls. We promise that your good intestinal bacteria will be thanking you.

Sweet tahini balls
(20 pieces)

1 ¼ cup cashew nuts
½ cup grated coconut (+ extra to roll in)
¼ – ½ cup light tahini
1 tbsp coconut oil
10 fresh dates
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
a pinch of salt
blueberry powder

Run the cashew nuts in a food processor into a coarse flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and combine together into a mass. If it has difficulty coming together, add a couple drops of water while the mixer is still running. Shape into fairly large balls and roll each in a mixture of equal parts of blueberry powder and coconut flakes with just a touch of salt.

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