5 Tips to Get Back on Track With Exercise After Vacation – Food Pharmacy

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5 Tips to Get Back on Track With Exercise After Vacation

We all know that vacations can disrupt healthy rhythms, and getting back to your regular workout routine after vacation can be very difficult. But don’t beat yourself up about it. Everyone falls off the wagon sometimes, and maybe you just need some help to get back on.

A couple of days ago, we talked to our colleague Anna’s mom Inger. Inger is a former gym owner and has been in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. Now she spends her time working out at the gym and running after her grandkids, but she still has a lot of great advice to give.

– Hi Inger! How was your summer? We heard you had a lot of fun with Anna and her little son Sam.

Yes! They came to visit me and we had a blast cycling around the sunny island of Gotland. But I have got to tell you, sticking to my exercise routine in the summer heat was a bit of a challenge.

– Could you please give us a few tips on how to get back on track with exercise after vacation?

Of course, I’d love to! Here we go:

1 Set reasonable goals
It’s important to set goals that you can actually achieve. They have to be realistic and attainable for you. Try not to compare yourself to others.

2 Exercise with friends
Find gym buddies, or talk to your friends about your new workout routine. Allow your friends to motivate you. Also, they will ask how it’s going and I’m sure you would love to tell them that you’re doing great.

3 Don’t underestimate the power of tiny changes
Skip the elevator and the escalator – take the stairs! Get off the bus or train one stop early and walk, or ride your bike to work. It will make a huge difference, I promise. Small changes over time add up. Consistency is key!

4 Ask for help
If you can afford it, invest in a personal trainer and learn how to exercise safely and effectively. And remember, some gyms will give new members a free lesson.

5 Find activities you enjoy and give yourself time
It will take some time to get back to where you were before vacation. And on average, it takes around 3 months to form a new habit, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Choose activities that are fun! You’re more likely to continue working out if you enjoy it.

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