We’re teaching a course!
Yesterday, we stepped out of our so called comfort zone. We recorded an online course, together with our publishing house and their new online learning platform Brillbee.
But first, we had our makeup done for 1,5 hour. Don’t know if Johanna usually brings this much makeup (this is just one third of all the stuff she hauled up the stairs), or if we she thought it might come in handy?
However, after 15 cups of coffee, she was done. And then we were both fresh as a daisy.
Then, it was time for action. Here we are, demonstrating how a cozy Friday night (or sometimes dinner) might have looked like at one of our houses, before we ran into our dear professor.
And here are parts of the team. The amazing Terese, who has helped us with the script, is missing in the picture. I guess you can say that the online course is a crash course based on our book, so if you’ve already read the book from cover to cover, you might not learn anything new. Especially not if you don’t know any Swedish. But you would still get to see our pretty faces, and listen to a western Swedish accent!
We’re pretty impressed that we managed to play it cool in front of the camera. However, it still feels like the topic of the year: to be out of our comfort zone and do things we normally wouldn’t dare. Like being asked to sit on the kitchen counter, with a huge camera stuck in your face, just a few millimeters away from your eyes, for example.
Anyhow, we promise to keep you posted on the progress!
You’re more than welcome to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. And buy our book in Polish here and professor Stig Bengmark’s synbiotic here.