The kids’ banana porridge. – Food Pharmacy

Food Pharmacy, Recipes

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The kids’ banana porridge.

Today we travel to Finland, to lecture in Närpes, but first, the kids need to get some breakfast. However, we would like to take this opportunity and warn you in advance: this recipe is neither groundbreaking, nor original. It’s just porridge.

FullSizeRender-293Monday through Friday, Mia’s children eat something they call “banana porridge” in the morning. It always consists of oatmeal + mashed banana + water, but the rest of the ingredients you may vary as you please. The flaxseeds are sometimes replaced by coconut flakes or chia seeds, and the cinnamon by cardamom or clove. Last week we used cumin by mistake. That’s something we do not recommend.

FullSizeRender-294Start by tossing together a cup or so of oatmeal, a tablespoon or so of cinnamon, and about as much flaxseed (don’t expect to get any exact measurements from us, we’re too busy in the morning to even think about that).

IMG_3516-2Mash a banana, the greenest one you can find, and add the mash to the porridge, as well as a tablespoon of coconut oil.

IMG_3520Add the water. Trust your gut. A little bit of water = sticky consistency. A lot of water = watery consistency. In between = well … in between. You decide.

IMG_3526-2Stir at low temperature. There’s no need for it to boil, remove it from the heat when it’s lukewarm.

FullSizeRender-295Throw on some berries, you’ll find them at the bottom of one of your freezer drawers. Call your kids to the table, it’s time for breakfast.

IMG_3535Climb over the huge piles of children’s clothes in the hallway, and travel to Vasa in good conscience. See you tomorrow!

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